Lords of Rhodes, 1278-1307. Tetarteron (Bronze, 16 mm, 1.49 g, 9 h), struck under the Byzantine governors of Rhodos. Half-length figure of a Lord of Rhodes facing, wearing beard with mustache, pointed crown and chlamys, holding akakia in his right hand and scepter in his left.
Rev. Four B's with pellets around in the angles cross. H.-U. Geiger, F. Füeg: Neues zur Münzprägung der Palaiologenzeit: Michael VIII., Andronikos II., Matthaios, Johannes V. und Anna, F. Gattilusio, in Schweizer Münzblätter 217 (2005), p. 5, 3 (
this coin). Extremely rare. Minor deposits and with light areas of weakness
, otherwise, good fine.
From the collection of Prof. Dr. Hans-Ulrich Geiger, formed over the past 70 years.
H.-U. Geiger attributes this coin to the Lords of Rhodes, which included governors from the families of dello Cavo, Vignolo, and Moresco. The B's on the reverse side of the coin strongly suggest a subordinate connection to the Palaiologos dynasty.